Lost images

  • When I created the blog in 2009 I posted, as one example, six pix through the text within one page, and gathered them at the end of the item into a [SLIDESHOW] which today no longer functions. But when I now try to create a gallery to replace the slideshow I cannot locate the images using search in the “Add Media” window. Even though I know the filenames for each image (because they’re visible in the main text) searching the library does not produce them. Any ideas where they’ve gone?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please give us the link to the page or post where your six pix are, starting with http://

    Not sure what you’d do on Windows, but on a Mac you can press “control” while hovering over an image to get a list of options, including a link to image information. That would give you the term to search for in your library so you could then make a new gallery for the post or page you are asking about. If you provide the link to that post or page, I could then tell you what the images are called.

    Or you could search your library by date to find the images in your library so you could make them into a gallery.

  • I’m assuming these are images you uploaded to your library, not hot-linked to pictures on another site—flickr, instagram, or whatever?

  • Done it, thanks 1tess. What’s unbelievable is that each image is filed here under its “title” which appears when you hover over it, and not by the name of the jpeg which appears in its URL. This “title” is so often decided (seemingly) by WP as uploading is completing and the user has no say in the matter – in contrast to my own naming convention for Jpegs which derives from my own library data.

    I have to say none of the dropdown search options work, such as “October 2009” or even “uploaded to this page”!

  • Please, provide a link to a page or post starting with http:// where you cannot find the pictures you would like to display in a gallery or updated slideshow. I cannot search through your entire blog in order to help you!!

    Title and link may well not be the same. Until I can see exactly which post or page you are asking about, I would need to become a mind-reader—a talent I confess that I’ve never had.

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