Lost content

  • I was working on a post on the android wordpress app, and it was saved under “Local Edit.” When I tried to publish, the entire substance of the post was deleted. Is there any way I can get this back?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • re: recovering a lost post or page
    Please go to https://wordpress.com/post with the same browser and see if it offers to restore a post. If a restore button appears, that means a local copy was saved in your browser and you may be able to recover it.

    The classic editor retains 25 auto-saved post revisions but the new Beep Beep Boop editor does not. The post revision management system is not built into the new Beep Beep Boop editor, so saving the draft saves only the most recent version, but not previous versions.

    In the new Beep Beep Boop editor the most recent version is saved only on your browser, and is not auto-saved to the servers for your blog unless you click the save link once.

    If you are using the new Beep Beep Boop editor please read:

    Features that won’t be included in the new editor
    Post Revisions
    Copy a Post
    Link back to wp-admin
    From https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/please-reinstate-the-option-of-choice-to-use-the-old-publishing-format

    If the post was created on the dashboard of your own blog at Dashboard > Pages > Add New then you ought to be able to recover a lost post or page from revisions if needs be.

    See also if applicable > restoring from trash http://en.support.wordpress.com/trash/#restoring-from-trash

    To locate draft POSTS Dashboard > Posts > All Post > Drafts

    To locate draft PAGES Dashboard > Pages> All Pages > Drafts

    (If you are referring to a Page then see here > http://en.support.wordpress.com/pages/page-revisions/)

    If you cannot restore from your browser, or locate a revision, or restore from Trash then the content has been lost and cannot be recovered.

    I recommend:

    1. Always create your posts on the dashboard of your own blog at
    Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Add New
    If you have cookies enabled on your browser your preference will be saved unless or until your clear your cookies, and it will take you to the classic editor automatically every time you create a new post via the drop-down menu in the black admin bar or edit a post via the edit button on the blog itself.

    You cannot deactivate the new Beep Beep Boop editor but you do not have to use it. For locating the ways and means of accessing the legacy or classic pages for creating posts, editing posts, and viewing stats see here > Navigating the Classic WordPress.COM interface http://onecoolsitebloggingtips.com/2015/04/05/navigating-the-classic-wordpress-com-interface/

    2. Immediately after creating a post and entering a title click the save draft link. Thereafter, “click save draft” frequently.

    3. Always allow pages to fully load before clicking any other links.

    4. Never leave a post or page open for content creation or editing and walk away from it, or open another tab in the same blog and work on something else while it is still open. Save it properly and return to edit it later.

    5. Use an offline blog editor so you have backups on your own computer http://en.support.wordpress.com/xml-rpc/

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