Looking for a specific plugin

  • Hi,

    I hope my question is raised in the good topic.

    I want to build a platform matching individuals and professionnals.
    My website would be two-sided : Individuals, and professionals. The service is simple : an individual requests a quote for a specific situation. The professionnals responds by quotes, the individual sees all the quotes responded and can chose one professional.

    In details :
    1) – an Individual would explain his situation in a specific form -> that would be the request.
    the request submitted by the individual could be seen only by all the registered professionnals, not by other individuals.
    2) – Professionnals would see all the requests, they could respond to some of them by a quote.
    3) – The individual would select one professional among the quotes he receives.

    For five weeks I looked for wordpress plugins to do that, specifically how to manage requests and responses, but I does not find any pluging or combinations of pluging fitting to these needs.

    Does someone know plugings that could help me ? More generally, is there pluging to build matching platform (looking for professional, like doctolib, etc.) ?

    Best regards

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Since using plugins here requires a paid Business Plan, you’re not likely to find many folks who can offer a recommendation.

    Because of this, I recommend asking over at https://wordpress.org/support/forum/miscellaneous/ instead.

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much. I asked over the forum to which you link.

  • Thank you! And for what it’s worth, it sounds like you’re looking for a directory plugin. I’d recommend checking these:

    Good luck!

  • Thank you ! . Until now I have looked for Membership and ecommerce plugins, but your right directories plugin seem to be a good idea

  • You bet. Enjoy your weekend!

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