Looking for a free theme with all of the tools in P2-Classic

  • I am happily using the P2 Classic theme which I understand has been “retired”. I would switch to another free theme which has all of the tools available in P2 Classic.

    I would want to be able to keep my header tag and all of my sidebar items.

    Any recommendations?


    BTW, WordPress should never have “retired” P2 Classic. It is a wonderful theme.

    Thanks again.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    There’s no other theme that includes the features of P2-Classic, or P2 (slug p2-breathe, also retired) which was its successor.

    P2 is a theme that we developed for internal use at Automattic – all our internal communication happens across various sites using this theme – which we then made available publicly as well. So this theme is unique in the features it offers.

    With many businesses having to deal with going remote during the pandemic lockdowns around the world, we redesigned P2 from scratch in 2020 as a hosted service that organisations can use similar to how we use P2s at Automattic, so P2 is no longer a theme, but a platform that, while still running on WordPress.com, works a bit differently.

    You can see our original announcement here:

    Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2

    If you want to try out the new P2, you can create a new site on that platform at https://wordpress.com/p2/ (it’s not possible to convert an existing WordPress.com site into the new P2).

    However, you can also continue using the retired P2 theme on your existing site. We retired the two P2 themes when we launched the new product, as it’s just not feasible for us to continue maintaining the two legacy themes alongside the new, redesigned version. But most retired themes on WordPress.com continue to still work for years afterwards.

    So P2 classic will break eventually as both WordPress and web technologies evolve, but it should still be quite a while before that happens :)

    Let me know if you have any questions about this.

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