Logo not showing in search page!

  • the logo not showing in search feed of any browser. Even so i uploaded my web site logo in every favicon format .

    Please help me.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    I apologize for any inconvenience, but as a WordPress.com volunteer, I regret to inform you that I cannot directly assist with the issue of your logo not appearing on search engine results. This is because your site is not hosted on WordPress.com, and as a result, I do not have access to the specific information about your website that would be necessary to address the problem effectively.

    To better understand the distinctions between WordPress.com and WordPress.org, I recommend reading the following link:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org
    5 min read
    WordPress powers millions of websites, from bloggers and small businesses to massive news sites and companies. This guide will help you to understand the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org, and which might be the best fit for your website. Overview of Differences The same WordPress software powers both WordPress.com and WordPress.org sites. One of the main differences is ho

    This resource will provide you with insights into the differences between the two platforms, and help you understand that WordPress.com and WordPress.org are separate entities.

    Since your website is hosted with Hostinger, I recommend reaching out to their support team for assistance with the logo display issue. They should be able to provide you with personalized support and guidance to resolve the problem, as they have access to your hosting environment and configuration.

    As an alternative solution, you can consider posting your question on the WordPress.org support forum. The WordPress.org community is a valuable resource where experienced WordPress users often share their knowledge and offer assistance. You can access the forum using the following link: https://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting/

    I hope that you find a resolution to the logo display issue soon. Should you have any further questions or require additional guidance, please feel free to ask. We’re here to help and wish you the best with resolving this matter.

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