Logo in a secondary menu

  • Hello, I’m working on a site for a client with the Astra theme. I have a main menu with site pages then a secondary menu above it with links to affiliated content.

    In the secondary menu I want to add the logo for the college that the links go to. The site is for an alumni association.

    I have my links added and the menu shows up nicely I just would really like the logo aspect to it. Does anyone have any code I can add so I can achieve this?

  • Hi there,
    This is WordPress.com forum, It seems like your website is using the open source WordPress software (from WordPress.org). Please know more here about the differences https://wordpress.com/support/com-vs-org/

    However, to add images on the menu, if your theme doesn’t have the feature, you can use plugin. But, for this general discussion you can ask the WordPress.org community where you’ll find more experts on open source software for advice at https://wordpress.org/support/forums/
    They’re the people using the same software as you who can provide help.


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