Logged in follies

  • Your “logged in” memory is messed up – I was logged in tonight – witness that I was able to look at my stats for my site and read blogs I am following – tried to leave a comment on chuck Hills Coast Guard blog – https://chuckhillscgblog.net/ – tried to leave a comment and you said I was not logged in and my email address was used and I was not logged in – would not accept the password for my user name – had to reset password – reset for user name not email – so I tried to use the old password that you did not recognize – and guess what? – sorry can’t use that password as you are using it recent (current) – so whole new password –

    what a mess and almost lost the comment I was leaving – god knows what might happen if I try and login with my email – – sorry you have some clowns on the bus now – and don’t even get me started on the junk editor – don’t really want to post anymore because of the editor – and yes I even tried reading the useless instructions on resizing pictures – was junk and I finally gave up and guessed at the size

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello Mike! Haven’t seen you in a while :)

    Sorry to hear your comment was lost, though I can’t think why being redirected to log in would do that.

    Regarding the login requirement itself, though, as the site at https://chuckhillscgblog.net/ is on a custom domain, this is likely an issue with third-party cookies. Are you using any privacy add-ons in your browser that might be blocking cookies and/or third-party tracking?

    It’s also possible your browser itself is blocking us from tracking your login. All the major browsers have been gradually introducing restrictions on this over the past couple of years. Our systems team is working on ways to verify logins without using cookies, but I’m afraid we’re not there yet.

    But it’s also weird that you had to reset your password in order to log in at that point – I’ve not heard of that happening before.

    Can you please try the whole clearing cache and deleting WordPress.com cookies thing, and then let me know if this happens again?

    yes I even tried reading the useless instructions on resizing pictures

    You should be able to resize pictures by just dragging the edges, as it always worked, or after clicking on the image, you can set a specific size in the settings sidebar.

    But if you prefer you can also use the classic block which works the same as the classic editor. (The classic editor itself is also still available, but it will only be around until the WordPress.org community ends support for the classic editor plugin, which I think will be some time next year. The classic block will remain, though, so it’s the better option to go with longer term if you prefer to avoid blocks :) )

  • Succinct as always. :) Glad to see you, Mike.

  • I have plain Firefox off the web with no add ins – but I tried another comment on Chucks site and ran into the same problem – but it did after a couple of tries login and the comment was finally accepted – there is some sort of pop-up blocker but it is whatever Firefox has – I do have Kaspresky installed

    I did figure out how to drag the corner of a picture to change the size – but in the past I was able to put in a number for the width – I used to do how to do it on my sight – and being able to have all the pictures the same width looks way better


    I hate clearing cookies – sometimes things get messed up and I don’t do as much computer stuff no so simple problems can be very frustrating – fingers don’t work so good anymore –

    take care all of you

  • I cleared the 57 cookies – still seems to want me to login a 2nd time – guess I will try a couple of other sites that used to let me leave a comment with no issues

  • I even tried leaving a comment on my captnmike.com site and still wants me to log in a 2nd time when still logged in – was looking at mt email –

  • Howdy Mike, hope all is well.

    Have you tried using a different browser to see if the problem repeats itself?

  • No I have not tried a different browser – I have Edge on this laptop so I will give it a try in the next day or two


  • Let us know what happens once you try that.

    For what it’s worth, I’m also on Firefox and haven’t run into this, so I doubt it’s a setting in Firefox itself causing this.

    But it looks like it might be Kaspersky…I did some searching and found this:


    From that it looks like you should be able to add exceptions for websites you want to allow to track you, so that’s also worth a try.

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