Loading Error Of Some PNG Files Inserted In Posts

  • Nowadays the following posts with PNG images has just begun to have a problem with loading their media files properly:


    But the other posts below with similar PNG images are already clear:


    Is that a matter of theme, resolution or else?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I would suggest opening those posts and delete and reinsert the images and see if that doesn’t take care of the issue. I can see nothing in your customizations that would cause this and nothing in the actual code.

  • I’ve just tried it but unfortunately the result is the same here, sir…
    And I have no idea about this strange situation other than waiting & seeing, for now…
    At least, I can rest assured that it’s not something with my theme or codes as you’ve already confirmed there…
    Thank you anyway, sir!
    Well, I’ll be around…

  • Breaking news, sir!
    I’ve just found a solution!

    At first, I was suspecting the resolution of the image file whose width is 2000px originally…
    And I went to the location [the files are already uploaded in my WP Media Library] of inserted/embedded version of the image in the post and I noticed the last part of the following path at address bar:


    The parameter for width is 1000px there because this is the default content-width of my theme as it’s already noted in CSS menu description:

    Set a different content width for full size images. The default content width for the Intergalactic theme is 1000 pixels.

    As I’ve mentioned above, original width of the file was 2000px so I tried various values of the parameter ?w=1000 on browser up to 2000px and I observed that the problem appears only when this embedding parameter value is below the original width of those files…

    Then I subsequently increased & set my default content-width to 4K [4096px] on my Customisation Panel…
    And finally all clear; everything is OK here…
    At least for now, sir…

  • Woohoo, and nice find. It may be something in your CSS that is gumming things up, but the important thing is you have found a solution!

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