links won’t display

  • links suddenly won’t display Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    Would you please elaborate the challenge you are facing? So far, I can see the link on your website and they are redirecting to correct address.
    Thank you.

  • We had a “Blogroll List” showing other blogs that readers could click on, categorised.

    The “Links” are all still there when I look at the Admin menu. But after changing some widgets around the links section the “Blogroll List” no longer displays

  • Hello there,

    A blogroll list widget is a widget that’s no longer supported.

    I’d recommend adding a list of links on your site, you can do so by adding a Paragraph block, a List block, or a Navigation block.

  • Thank you for that confirmation. I’d started to guess that and had already implemented your solution using Nav blocks.

    I don’t get why – out of all the legacy blocks – WP would dump the one that is likely the most used for blogs? And since they did, why they didn’t remove the “Links” menu item on the Admin sidebar? Or why the block continued to work until I began buggering around with the other widgets?

    Oh well. The mysteries of software support.

  • Hi there,

    I don’t get why – out of all the legacy blocks – WP would dump the one that is likely the most used for blogs? … Or why the block continued to work until I began buggering around with the other widgets?

    The Links/Blogroll widget was deprecated in October last year, so it’s no longer available to add to a site on Sites that have it already can continue using it, but if you remove it, you won’t be able to add it back, which sounds like it might have happened here since you mentioned changing around your widgets at the start of this post.

    Blogrolls used to be quite common in the early days of blogging but are not used that much anymore (just a small number of sites), which is why it’s not offered on new sites but left to remain on older sites.

    And since they did, why they didn’t remove the “Links” menu item on the Admin sidebar?

    As mentioned, we did not remove the widget from sites that are still using it; we just don’t offer the widget if you add it for the first time. For folks that still use the widget (and still have links stored in admin) we show that management option in the dashboard, which is why you still see it.

    On newer sites, this option does not appear in the dashboard. I have not tested this, but I suspect if you remove all the links you have there (after you set up an alternative), that will remove the links option from your view.

    Oh well. The mysteries of software support.

    To be fair, there can be a bit of mystery at times, but I hope this at least sheds some light on what you are seeing. Also, I see you have been at this for some time (over 6000 blog posts!) so keep it up! \o/

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