Links to Content within my site

  • For my new website, I’d like to be able to post the title of an article within my site, and have users click on the title to be taken to the article. I’d like each article to be a separate page, but don’t want them to appear in the navigation bar of my site. How can I link to content in my site without clogging up the navigation bar?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Make posts, not pages. Only pages automatically show on a tabbed header.

    If you insist on making pages instead of posts, and making posts that are just links to those pages well, a) that’ll be an ugly and awkward site and b) you know blog posts also have their own unique web pages, so this is all unneccessary? This strategy will also severely hamper your search engine results.

    You can do it if you must. Just use a Custom Menu and only include the pages you want in the tabbed header.

  • Your posts will appear in your sidebar if you use an archives widget: links to your posts by month.

    Your posts can be chosen individually in a recent posts widget in your sidebar.

    You can create a text widget with links to posts you like the best. There are also widgets for “most popular posts” and some theme allow you to display featured posts.

    You can use a custom menu widget to link to posts you want your readers to see. That would go into your sidebar.

    You could assign your posts to categories so readers could select topics you write about such as “acquisitions,” “publication process,” “gardening,” or “self publishing,” and so on… Then put a categories widget into your sidebar so folks can find articles of interest to them on your site.

    These widgets will show a list of articles, related by time, popularity, category, and so on according to your imagination for organizing your site. Readers can then pick and choose one or more articles.

    You can also have a page (efficiently included in your top navigation) using archives shortcode which will automatically list the posts you have made on your blog:

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