Links OPML Export

  • Hi folks,

    My site has been around for quite a while and over the years I added sites to the Links/Blogroll section in my site dashboard.

    I’d like to now export my existing blogroll as an OPML file, and seem to remember that there used to be a way to do this, but I can’t seem to figure it out.

    Thanks for any help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I’m not seeing a blogroll on your site Could you link us to the page on your site so we can better advise? If you have it saved on the backend, anyone designated as Staff can see it there as well.


  • I’m not currently displaying a blogroll per se on my site. It’s all the Links appearing in my site’s Links dashboard that I want to export as OPML.

    (Nice update to Jetpack Stats BTW!)

    Thanks again.

  • Hello there,

    Got it, I think this is what you may be looking for: ?

    This could be saved into an XML file perhaps.

  • Hm, when I click on that link, I get an almost blank page that says “Links for Ms. Yarnaholic’s School for Wayward Skeins Sat, 12 Nov 2022 16:33:44 GMT” but the page itself is blank and there’s no “download” of a file. I’ve uploaded a screenshot to my site’s Media Library.

    I’d really like to save this as an OPML file, like the Reader export file rather than XML. Is there a way to do that?

  • OK-the above is how that page behaved/displayed in Firefox latest.

    I tried again using Brave and this time the links appeared in the browser window. I saved the file, which automatically saved it as XML, but I changed the file extension to OPML and then successfully imported it to one of my other sites, so I’m good to go.

    Thanks all!

  • when I click on that link, I get an almost blank page

    Adding the extension wp-links-opml.php also failed for me in the latest Firefox, producing just a one line description with a timestamp at the top of an otherwise blank page, as you described. However, it worked in Google Chrome.

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