Links- Open in New Tab Option Missing

  • When I used to create links in a post, it would give me the option to select “open link in a new tab/window”. Now when I add a link, that option is no longer there. Where have the * code monkeys moved it to or have they removed that useful ability too?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I am writing on, which is a personal plan, so I’ve also emailed the * engineers. But since it is the weekend, well, we know what that means.

  • After some experimenting, they have hidden it.

    Why, I have no idea. It occupies the same place as before, but now I have to click the little back/forth arrow to show that option instead of just having it right there to choose right away.

    That’s bad ui choices.

  • So solved. No thanks to the * code monkeys.

  • It’s not hidden, it can be found in the configuration screen for links if you click the link you added in the post editor.

    Hope that clarifies things!

  • Hi @staff-heroponriki That support guide screenshot is out of date. The current iteration of the “add link” box that opens after highlighting some text and clicking the link button or pasting a link now looks like this

    Which then requires an extra click to expand the box and reveal the “open in new tab” option. Not sure why the core WordPress developers decided this was a better choice than the previous iteration.

    In general, it seems like there’s a trend to put things behind one another, like the settings and styles tabs in the Editor’s right sidebar. But in this case, given the small size of the window that opens to add an URL, I have to agree with @bookstooge. It’s more annoying than practical.

    Anyway, since the decision about these things isn’t made here on, but rather on core WordPress, thanks for listening. ⭐

  • It is shameful that a general user knows more about the current state of the software than an official staff member.

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