Links In Sidebar Glitch

  • Asking help on this – In Widget Setting for Face we’ve the URL to our Facebook page, yet on our WP site; in the sidebar, two Facebook links show. Any advice/procedure in deleting one of these would be most welcome, Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    To check, do you need help with the site: – the reason why I ask is because I can’t see any Facebook widgets currently in use on the site.

    Generally speaking this is how a facebook widget would be added:

    Many thanks.

  • Hi aleone89, many thanks for your response. Yep, in tweaking around looking for a solution the associated ‘legacy’ widget for the Facebook link was deleted. We’ll re-p;ost and see how that goes. Thanks again and stay tuned :)

  • Hey aleone89 just to update, having re-installed the Facebook Plugin, following the procedure, we see again two Facebook links on the side-panel of our site. If you get a moment take a look, this is what we are trying to fix, an don;t understand why two links are displaying there. Any help on this most welcome. Regards TT

  • Hi there!

    I see the Facebook Page widget is loading fine on the site now, and there are no duplicate links.

    Just so we know what you’re referring to as two links, could you take a screenshot and upload it here?

    Making a Screenshot
    3 min read
    A screenshot is an image that captures what appears on your computer screen. Screenshots can come in handy when trying to explain something to Support, or if you want to blog about something you’ve seen on your computer screen. No matter what operating system you use, you can make a screenshot in just a few steps. WindowsMacLinuxiPhone, iPad, or iPod touchAndroid Phone or TabletChromebook

    Please make sure to clear your browser cache and check again in case it’s a weird caching issue. Here’s how to clear your browser cache:


  • Hi Aisajib, thanks for taking to time to offer your thoughts and suggestions. Interesting that for you no duplicate links are showing; here’s what we’re seeing when opening in the browser

    yet here’s the widget setting, which features only one link:

    So we are curious why we are seeing duplicated links.

    Hopefully there’s an easy resolve for this and it’s great to receive support

    from the community forum/


  • Hello again.

    Many thanks for those screenshots.

    I can’t replicate what you’re seeing there:

    What browser are you using and what browser extensions are in use exactly? I notice that from the screenshot here: I can see that the Twitter widget is behaving in the same fashion.

    I’m wondering if there is something blocking that third party usage in the browser.

    Many thanks.

  • Hey aleone89, thanks for your post. It may well be a browser related glitch we’ve checked using Brave, Firefox and Edge. The original issue raised here. of duplicate Facebook links displaying via the widget when only one URL was entered, seems to occur mostly on Firefox, where a couple of security add-ons are present. The observation you make in regard to Twitter being duplicated is not the same problem, one is simply an unlinked title. This is the puzzle in that when setting up the widget for Facebook both the ‘title’ entered and the URL chosen are active links. We’re unsure how Firefox add-ons would cause such an outcome. Regards, TT

  • Hi there, What if you open a private browser session in Firefox (File > New Private Window) and visit within that window. Does the content of the widgets show correctly? If not which one is still having the issue?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Hi staff-totoro, will be sure to give that a try-out and get back to you. TT

  • Hey staff-totoro, to update on the suggestion you kindly offered.

    The issue remains, even when using Firefox’s Private Browsing Window. That being two active links for Facebook (FB) show in the sidebar, despite the configuration of the FB widget using only one URL. What seems to be happening is that the chosen title, in this case ‘Our Facebook Page’, for some reason presents as an active link. When of course it shouldn’t as when setting up the widget no URL/HTML was entered title heading, only text. Strange glitch that seems only apparent in Firefox. Thanks again for your advice on this. TT

  • Hey there,

    The issue remains, even when using Firefox’s Private Browsing Window. 

    Are third party cookies enabled in the browser: ?

    This can cause issues with Safari historically… I wonder if it’s the same thing.

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