Links dont work when I'm on a domine

  • Hi there,

    I’m having problems with external links on my site. By one side, I have my site ( where everything seems to work correctly, but I also have a .com domain ( that it just does an invisible redirection to the original web.

    Everything seems to work fine, but by the time I use almost any external link, you can see for example the Instagram pics (not the Instagram icon that I configured to open in a new tab), the site goes blank and doesn’t link anywhere.

    I’ve tried looking for a way to make any external link in the site opening in a new tab, because there’s no problem on internal links (like or when you try to open it on a different tab. The problem comes out by the time you click an external link that should open on the same tab. And as doesn’t let you install Plugins, I can only solve this problem by editing the html code on any link I wrote on any entry (that it’s quite annoying) but as the Instagram pics are related to a widget which its html I cannot edit, I can’t solve that part of the problem.

    I hope you can help me solve this problem or just trying to understand why does this happen.

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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