Links don’t open in New Page. My Blog doesn’t show in Search Engines

  • I am Newbie.

    Just started Blogging on wordpress. Love it!

    I have some problems with my blog (

    When I hyperlink a text to some external website and select the option of ‘open in new window’, it does not do that. It still opens in the same window, thus potentially making people move away from my Blog, and reducing the readable chances of the Blog.

    My Blog is still in infancy but I need to make sure that it works good so that I can write more content.

    Another problem is that my blog does not show in Google serach or any search engine. Even if I copy a phrase from a post, google won’t find it even if I specify the domain On searching for, google says that no such page was found. What could be the problem.

    Please Help, Much obliged,


  • Search engines can take a few months to get you in their index sometime, patience is key. There is a bug related to opening links in new windows right now, it should be fixed within a few days.

  • Dear Matt,

    Thank you very much.


  • You can also manually add you blog to search engines like Google if you wish.

  • Thank you drmike.

  • You’re listed in MSN. MSN appears to index these blogs quicker than Google is currently. You are listed in MSN.

    A good site to use to monitor stuff like this is It shows you still like incoming links and how many pages are indexed for your site. (I am not connected with this company.)

    As to the bit about the links, I know that there was a bug in the past where these edits were not being accepted. It does appear to be working now though. The only link on your blogroll is to and it does not open in a new window. Try it again and see what happens. It works on my site.

    Hope this helps,

  • Kashmir, I tested the New Window links and they worked for me. If you’re still having this issue, please tell me the exact steps you take before the problem occurs.

  • Thank you drmike!

    I really appreciate taking the time to search for my blog on MSN, yes it does show it up. Thanks for providing the link as well, it is a good tool.


    The link are opening in new windows now! :) But, as drmike pointed out the blogroll (wp) does not open in a new window.

    I checked the settings and there is no such option for setting the blogroll links to open in new window, so it must either be a default thing or I have missed something.


  • And I would like to express my thanks to WordPress for coming up with a clutter free and beautiful blog.

    I hope to continue writing for my blog more frequently now that I have a blog that understands me. Earlier I tried blogging at various places but always grew tired of the interfaces they had, forcing me to delete the entire blog.

    Thank you again.

  • I checked the settings and there is no such option for setting the blogroll links to open in new window, so it must either be a default thing or I have missed something.

    It’s towards the bottom of the page. Click the option that says Target -> _blank.

  • Thank you very much drmike!

    It works and the link does open in new window.

    cheers, kashmir

  • im having the opposite problem. i have all my blogroll links opening in new windows but can’t figure out how to get the rest to do it… am i missing something simple?


  • Same as above. Just choose the “none” option within the Target menu.


    Now your theme may over ride that and force you to open in a new window. Try switching themes and seeing if it still happens that way.

    Hope this helps,

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