Link to permanently delete site is not being sent to email address

  • I am attempting to delete the Outside Voices blog attached to my account permanently. I have tried this 4 times and have not had a link sent through to my email address to be able to click through and confirm its deletion.

    I have tried updating my email address linked to the account as well and it has made no difference.

    Please assist.

    Outside Voices

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It may be in Spam ;)

  • Thanks, it’s not, I did check spam each time.

  • I tagged this for the support, They will help you better than any of the members.

  • Thank you, this is what I was trying to do in the first place but could not find a direct way of contacting anyone.

    Best wishes

  • I reviewed and found that there are several administrators listed on the Users page in that blog. Hopefully everyone is in agreement about deleting it.

    In order to delete, you must be able to receive email from and the user initiating the delete must have at least administrator privileges on the blog. It appears the username mayakh47 should be able to meet those requirements so I’m not sure why you are unable to receive the email. Can you confirm you are looking at the right email inbox? I’ve helped people in the past who were looking at the wrong email account for the email. You can see what email address is associated with the mayakh47 account by logging in as mayakh47 and going to the Users page in the blog dashboard.

    It’s preferable, especially on a multi-author blog, that you either find a way to allow the email through (most often it’s stopped by spam or you were possibly checking the wrong email account).

    Another alternative would be to make the blog private, which means the content would still be available to the other blog owners listed on the Users page in case they need it. You can make the blog private by going to Settings > Reading in the blog dashboard and then clicking on the option that says “I would like my site to be private, visible only to users I choose.”

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