Link published post to google

  • I have many published post. I’ve just associated my word press to google+ profile. How can I link already published wordpress posts to google+ automatically or via some mechanism?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Already published posts won’t be automatically linked to G+. If you want them there you’ll have to add them yourself, either via a sharing button or by pasting the URLs directly into G+.

    The publicize feature only works for new posts. By the way, make sure that you have added G+ under Publicize in the sharing settings. Simply connecting your profile (directly below Publicize) will not auto-share your new posts but only tells Google you own both accounts:

    Also be aware that if you link your G+ profile to your blog your real name will appear as author on your posts, not your username/display name. This will not happen if you only connect Publicize:

  • @kokkieh thanks. I just published a new post & sharing option for Google+ was already checked though I didn’t add any custom message.

    Interestingly, i didn’t link activity to G+ and sharing for G+ is active. I did paste short-url of post of G+ manually.

    Am I missing something?

  • sharing option for Google+ was already checked though I didn’t add any custom message

    Yes, the Publicize boxes are ticked by default when you create a new post. The content shared is by default the title of your post with a shortlink, but you can edit it if you wish.

    i didn’t link activity to G+ and sharing for G+ is active. I did paste short-url of post of G+ manually.

    Are you saying that when you published it did not post to G+? There might be a slight delay before the post appears on G+. If it doesn’t publicize at all, try disconnecting G+ from under Settings ->Sharing and reconnecting it. If the problem persists, let me know so I can bring it to staff’s attention.

    Keep in mind that posts will only be publicized the first time you publish them. Updating a post does not share the link again.

  • @kokkieh just published another post & waited for 5 minutes. Still didn’t post to G+

  • I’ll tag this thread for staff to follow up. There might be another issue we’re not noticing and hopefully they will. Please subscribe to the thread and be patient while waiting for them to reply.

  • Just noticed, I see my post on G+ but published as “Shared privately” why? I want it as “public”

  • Publicize will share according to your default sharing option. If your default option is not Public, then you should share the link manually instead of using Publicize.

  • Could be guide where shall I update to publish post as “public”?

  • Changing who can see your Publicized posts on Google+

    After you have authorized your Google+ connection, you can change this setting by going to Settings > Manage apps & activities from within Google+.

    Disconnecting and reconnecting Publicize to G+ could also work. When reconnecting, make sure you select the option to publish posts publicly and not privately or only your circles. Instructions on reconnecting G+ here:

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