link for pages goes to wrong place

  • Hi, the links for my pages are connecting me to the wrong pages. Healthy Living and Design are both linking to the Travel page. Travel is the only one working even though all of them appear correctly in edit mode and the names of the links look correct but the appearance is incorrect when you go to the published page. I tried deleting and recreating them and the same thing happened. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I checked your site and found out that the links are actually working correctly. The issue here is the content for the “Travel” page, which you see on all pages you visit, was added directly to the “Page” template.

    This might have been accidental, but because the page template affects all pages, what you added there is replacing the actual page content you added to those individual pages.

    You can confirm that the “Travel” content was added directly to the page template by clicking My Site → Appearance → Editor → Templates → Page.

    To fix this, you’ll want to reset the customizations done to the Page template so that the individual pages show the content you added to them

    Please go to My Site → Appearance → Editor → Templates → Manage all templates.

    Then click the three dots next to “Pages” and click Clear Customizations.

    Once this is done, you’ll see that the pages are correctly showing the content you added to them via My Site → Pages.

    Hope that helps! Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.

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