Link can't find a post

  • Today I added to new posts to my site (, the first link works and pulls up the post, the second link doesn’t work. In both cases I got the link for the post from the [-] symbol next to the working page URL. Neither of the posts have been published.

    The page I am working on is the Photo Album page.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Neither of the posts have been published.

    That’s why it’s not working. You can’t link to an unpublished post or page, and you can’t add an unpublished post or page to the menu. It doesn’t work like that.

    In order to link to something, it first needs to exist, and a draft post/page does not yet exist.

    Your site is private, meaning only you can see it, so there is no reason to struggle along getting things to work with draft content or private posts/pages. Publish your posts and pages, and make sure they’re set to public, and you’ll find getting your site ready much easier. Once you’re ready to go live you can then just set the entire site to public all at once.

  • My pleasure :)

    Please let me know if you have any more questions.

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