Line width in dropdown menu – Pilcrow

  • I’ve had a lot of great advice from the forums which has worked so far. I’ve managed to change the size of font in my menu and made it capitalized instead of uppercase. But the longer dropdown menu items are wrapping around and the line spaces between them are enormous, which means the menu often dips below the bottom of the page. Any help with resolving this would be great. I’m a complete CSS newbie btw.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Try adding the following to your custom CSS code – the first instruction will make the drop-down menu sections a little wider, the second will make them a little shorter too:

    #nav ul ul a {width:290px; line-height:3em;}

    Hopefully that will get you a little bit closer to fitting everything on one page. Other than that the only thing I would recommend is changing the menu listing so it’s not so long.

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