Line around images in P2 theme

  • I created a new blog and I’m using the P2 theme. But when I upload a picture, a thin border with a grey line surrounds the image. I just want the clean picture as it is without any border or line. Is there a way to get rid of this?

    Thanks people!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • In the html editor, change the image code from this:

    <img src=[etc]
to this:

<img style="border:none;" src=[etc]

    In the visual editor, click image, click mountain icon, click Advanced Settings, type 0 in the “Border” box, click Update.

  • Worked like a charm!! Howcome you so smart?!!! :)
    Thanks again panaghiotisadam! I guess every different theme comes with its own quirky perks.

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