Limiting graphic download sizes?

  • I am new here. I have not yet tried to ‘upload’ any graphics. Not even sure this is possible. So maybe I am way off base here but…

    I do notice many…most actually…blogs hosted here seem to download sloooooowly.

    This seems due to:

    1. The templates or ‘themes’. I suspect many of these are not as ‘crunched’ as they could be.
    2. In addition, many bloggers go to town with posting pictures, which are too many, and also not ‘crunched’ as they could be.

    This is understandable since ‘blogging’…I am recently concluding…is ragingly popular partly because it is so accessible for people who know nothing about webdesign. I.e., instead of learning nuts about webdesign, you can just get WordPress and start to ‘blog.’

    3. Or…maybe I am the only one left on the planet who still uses dialup? Could be!

    Anyway, my suggestions:

    1. If takes uploads–limit the file size.
    2. Suggest prominently to bloggers to limit file sizes of pictures…and limit the number of pictures per blog.
    3. Please reply here if I am wrong about something–or way off about everything–or if you have other suggestions.
    (If I am not off base, and if you have a blog with blogging tips, you might include a link to this topic.)
    4. Options needed for the Home page:
    –truncate all blogs except the latest.
    –and/or truncate all blogs including the latest.

    (I.e., I personally would prefer that what is done on a ‘category’ page could be done on my Home page: listing a truncated version of several blogs.)

  • Here’s an idea. Learn how to use technology. Become adept at finding the answers to the questions you have by learning how to use the FAQs and the forum searchbox. And don’t prpose ideas until you know how things are handled. Using that approach will preclude others from thinking you need to get get with the program and get over yourself.

    Re: 1,2, 3
    If you would like to communicate to the coding staff and bring your opinion that they do not “crunch” the themes enough use your feedback button. All bloggers are advised to optimize their images and also to use thumbnails linked to the original sized images. Some comply and some do not.

    Upload space

  • 4.

    –truncate all blogs except the latest.–and/or truncate all blogs including the latest. personally would prefer that what is done on a ‘category’ page could be done on my Home page: listing a truncated version of several blogs.

    It’s hard to determine what you are saying. Are you referring to blog posts? If so then know that all bloggers here have the option of inserting a <!–more–> tag in their posts.

    Many bloggers are on dial-up service. Page loading time is slow when bloggers choose to have “snap previews”, video embeds, and many images on their front page. Some bloggers choose to have front pages that are very long. All are advised to limit the number of posts on the front page but the choice is theirs to make.

  • Thank you for your patient advice, TimeThief.

    I hope you understand I have just spent 2 days learning the bare basics of WordPress, in spite of knowing how to build websites. I am attempting to clarify matters for myself as well as any friend I might refer, who generally would have more difficulty. I did not place this message in the “support” forum, because I do not want to be asking for ‘support’ unnecessarily. But perhaps that would have been better.

    About ‘truncating posts on the Home page’:

    :::::: It’s hard to determine what you are saying. Are you referring to blog posts? ::::::

    I am referring to the Home page of my blog. This lists the complete text of several posts. I know that I can adjust the number of posts shown. But I can find no way to show ‘truncated’ versions of the posts–exactly as is done on a ‘category’ page.

    I.e., I would prefer if: =

    I like the way that the tag/blogging category page shows truncated versions of all my posts. Because then a friend can pick-and-choose which post he is interested in. The alternative is for him to pick from a brief ‘title’ which is not so clear, or to try to browse through entire posts.

    Also because many people are not that fluent on the internet. I would like to tell people verbally to go to “” and they can find all that they need. Almost like having my own domain.

    Also, this is my Home page. Friends who know me will come back intermittently. I simply feel that truncated versions of several posts represent me better, than one or more entire posts.

    Also: when as you say many people have many complex posts–it would certainly help this server, as well as their own visitors, if some of them showed only ‘truncated’ versions on their Home page.

    Just a suggestion.

  • There are many ways of doing this, and many threads about that in the forums which you can find by searching for related terms.

    You could start by choosing one of the templates that does this automatically.

    The solutions that you are asking to be made automatic AND mandatory already exist as options, you just need to become more familiar with the tools and FAQ before proposing that someone impliment solutions that already exist. Ask, “is there a way to do this” before saying “there should be a way to do this and this should be it.”

  • Raincoaster: I think TimeThief has already established that WordPress is doing what it can to limit directly the download sizes. I am not sure if you are repeating this–or if you are referring to my other suggestion–and you are saying that a template exists which truncates posts on the Home page…? If so, this is certainly beyond any available information I could find, and also, beyond my understanding of what a template is.

    PS–about limiting your download size, I hope we all agree, that this simply can not be repeated too often as good design practice. And that many people obviously are not getting this message. This in summary is my primary intention in making this post. Thank you.

  • (1) If you choose the Hemingway theme then only excerpts of two posts will appear on the front page.

    (2) If you choose the Fadtastic theme then your front page will display only the full text of the most recent post and only linked titles of other posts.

    (3) If you wish to use the <!–more–> tag then there are options depending on which editor you use or if you prefer to hand code the tag in

    (4) One down side of using the “more tag” is found stated here -> Options -> Reading where it says ” Note: If you use the <!–more–> feature, it will cut off posts in RSS feeds.” In fact many bloggers will not subscribe to blogs where the full blog posts are not available on rss feeds.

    (5) Another negative thing that flows from the habitual use of the “more tag” on your front page is that the google search spiders crawl front page content which is used to determine page rank. By truncating posts the keywords used are buried in the subsequent pages.

    (5) The third negative factor is that bloggers like myself resent the overuse of the more tag that bloggers employ to make us click twice and artificially drive up their stats. Consequently, we do not continue to visit blogs that have nothing but truncated posts on their front pages.

  • I think TimeThief has already established that WordPress is doing what it can to limit directly the download sizes.

    I did not say “… that WordPress is doing what it can to limit directly the download sizes.”

    For clarity:
    All of those bloggers who choose to answer questions on the forum, including our Moderators are, unpaid volunteers. We are not staff and we do not speak for wordpress.

    We answer questions and when page loading issues arise we advise bloggers how to go about reducing their page loading time. Thereafter, it’s up to them whether or not they choose to follow the advice that is given.

    Also note that we frequently experience newly arrived bloggers who think they know it all and who are full of unsolicited advice. Some are so naive as to believe that there are no web designers or web developers among us *rotflmao*. Generally speaking, we try to be polite, however, if they become really hyper-active and annoying then we simply fail to respond to what they post.

  • Thank you very much for the excellent clarifications! Much appreciated.

  • You’re welcome. G’ night. :)

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