Limit on number of pictures

  • Is there a limit on the number of pictures I can add to my site? I have added some pictures and changed some Titles and Cleared Cache -but- the new pictures don’t appear and the Titles don’t change ???
    Thanks for your help,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Free blogs come with 3000 megabytes (~3 GBs) of space for storing uploaded files and images. Click “Media Library” and when the page loads you will see how much upload space remaining you have.

    the new pictures don’t appear

    Where are you uploading them into?
    Can you find the images in your Media Library?
    Are you adding them to “Alaska 2011”?

    I am witnessing a blog that has only a single post titled “Home”.
    I see an “About” page and an “Alaska 2011” both have images and the latter has many of them.

    and the Titles don’t change

    Are you aware if the differences between pages and posts?

    Pages vs. Posts

  • My BAD,
    I am fairly new at this web stuff. I uploaded my pictures and they did not appear. I then updated my Alaska2011 Page and wow, there they are. So, it was my lack of updating my Page after uploading new pictures to my media area…
    Sorry for the post – I looked and did not see a way to delete it before someone saw how new I am. :-) :-) :-)
    Thanks for your answer – I will do better as I learn,

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