limit number of posts appearing on homepage

  • I’m using the theme “Edin”, with their static homepage and grid format. Of the three “pages” that I’ve selected to display in the grid, one of them is the “Blog” page; however, it proceeds to list little icons and blurbs for ALL my blog posts, rather than just the most recent. I just want it to display the SINGLE most recent blog post.

    Is there a way to limit the number of blog posts that appear on the static homepage grid?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I’m using the theme “Edin”, with their static homepage and grid format.

    I want to start by asking you to confirm that your static front page has the Front Page Template assigned to it. If it were the Grid Page template, then the “Fiction” and “About” pages would be children of the grid page.

    Is there a way to limit the number of blog posts that appear on the static homepage grid?

    Yes. As long as Infinite Scroll is disabled, the number of posts displayed on the blog page, and on archives pages, is determined by the “Blog pages show at most” setting at Reading Settings. See the Reading Settings support page. However, note that the “Blog pages show at most” setting will not only apply to the blog page feature if included as one of the front page features on and Edin theme front page template page, it will also apply to the site’s actual blog page, all archives pages, and search results.

    If you intend to use the optional front page widget areas available with Edin, it would be less problematic to link to the blog page there. You could use either the Recent Posts widget (as is done in the Edin demo), or Display Posts Shortcode inserted in a text widget. In either case, you may limit the number of posts displayed to one, which would change dynamically, always being the latest post.

  • Yes, sorry for the confusion–the static front page does have the Front Page Template assigned to it.

    Thanks so much for your help so far. The suggestion on using the Display Posts Shortcode was just what I needed, but I’ve hit a snag. I got the shortcode to work in a text widget, which looks exactly how I’d like it to; but I wanted the recent post page to be displayed beside the “about” and “fiction” pages, rather than below them in the widget section.

    I tried to put the shortcode into a new page, and then set that as Featured Page Three; however, as shown on my blog at the moment, all that comes up is a “Read More” rather than image and excerpt as shown in the text widget beneath.

    Is there a way to get the Featured Page to look the same as the text widget, with the thumbnail and excerpt?

  • I wanted the recent post page to be displayed beside the “about” and “fiction” pages, rather than below them in the widget section.

    Yes, the front page widget areas are separate from the front page featured page areas, and the two can’t be combined.

    I tried to put the shortcode into a new page, and then set that as Featured Page Three; however, as shown on my blog at the moment, all that comes up is a “Read More” rather than image and excerpt as shown in the text widget beneath.

    I had the same result in tests before responding above. My tests with shortcode indicated that shortcode is ignored in the front page featured page areas. I also found that if you construct a link list of posts in a page and set that page as one of the front page featured pages, it will show just the text (or an excerpt of it), minus formatting, and without links.

    Is there a way to get the Featured Page to look the same as the text widget, with the thumbnail and excerpt?

    Not that I’m aware of.

  • Hi @leemfish!

    @musicdoc1 hit the nail on the head when mentioning an excerpt :)

    The Featured Pages on the homepage show an excerpt on the front page, either an auto-generated one from the beginning of the page content, or a manual excerpt if you’ve set one. There isn’t a built in way to tell it that you’re using the blog page and to only use one post.

    The best way to achieve what you’ve described would be with a bit of Custom CSS (included in a Premium Plan or Business Plan).

    With that, you could set your blog page as the third featured page like you did before (displays all posts).

    Then you could add the following snippet under My Site > Customize > CSS:

    .featured-page article:not(:first-child) {
    	display: none;

    That bit of code will hide every post except the first one :)

  • Thanks so much folks, this has really helped me out. I’ll stick with the widget option and pick a different page to feature for now, at least until I might upgrade to a different plan.

  • You’re welcome, leemfish. : -)

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