Limit category permissions

  • Hi

    Is thinking of implementing category permission limiting? That is, the administrator can set some categories to be locked for people who are at a certain level, e.g. author.

    This would mean blogs can have multiple users with their own category. I think “Role Manager” would be a good plugin to install to work with this.

  • I’d love this addition. It would be great to make specific users/roles to optionally view nothing, titles only, titles and excerpt and “everything” relating to a post that is in a given category.

  • any ideas, suggestions or the support of should be written directly to wordpress staff, which is via feedback – top right corner of dashboard. all feedback would be read, though not all replied to.

  • then I wander what is this particular forum (“Ideas”) for?

    just for forwarding folks with ideas to staff? ;-)

  • well if they’re serious about their suggestions they should send to feedback. it was said before that not all threads are monitored by staff, hence the feedback reply. however with the recent changes in the forums maybe the staff are monitoring all threads now.

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