Like Button missing

  • Hi there! When posting the latest article (‘illegal fishing’), I just realized that the ‘like button’ was missing from my blog. To deal with that, from the [wp-admin] page, I tried changing the setting, Likes are
    – On for all posts
    – Turned on per post

    from ‘turned on per post’ to ‘on for all posts’. And voila! The like button is back, BUT only for the last nine posts (up to ‘flash crowd’, march 13, 2019)—that is, the like button is still missing from all other posts before that.

    I tried changing the setting from [My Site → Tools → Marketing] as well, yet end up with the same result. Any ideas how to get the like button back? Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The setting you refer to is the default setting, and should only have an effect on new posts you publish after changing that setting. It cannot cause the button to appear or disappear on existing posts.

    For existing posts the button needs to be enabled/disabled from within the editor itself for each individual post.

    If you had the setting set to Turned on per post, then the button would only appear on posts where you’d explicitly enabled it from the editor. The fact that the button is not visible on posts published prior to 13 March 2019, indicates that you didn’t explicitly enable it for those posts.

    Unfortunately enabling/disabling likes cannot be modified for multiple posts at the same time, so you’ll need to edit each post individually to do this.

  • Thanks for the quick reply, kokkieh. Here’s the case in chronological order.

    1) The like buttons were there for years (on posts, as well as on pages)

    2) March 9, 2020. This is the date I realized that the buttons were missing (by themselves, not by my doing). I don’t know why or when exactly, because I had been absent from blogging then.

    3) I tried to bring them back, but only succeeded for the ones on pages and for the last nine posts.

    PS: This happens to some other blogs as well (not just this one of mine)

  • PS: This happens to some other blogs as well (not just this one of mine)

    Could you send a few more details on that? I can’t see a pattern yet as to why this happened on your site, but perhaps with more clues from other sites we could spot it. Please ensure in those cases that the likes were on all along and have mysteriously stopped.

  • I don’t remember how many blogs having this issue that I have come across, but here are two of them (I bring you to the page whose owners confirm about this problem):

    Sepatu dan Monas

  • Hi there,

    We have had an issue of International blogs missing like and reblog buttons in the past. Since out of the sites you provided, two are in Indonesian and the other one is in a Japanese time zone, I am going to report this to our developers and see if this issue is related.

    We will update once we look further into this for you.


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