
  • All of a sudden, when I try to leave a ‘Like’ on other blog posts, it no longer takes (despite multiple attempts). Help!

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Are you liking posts directly on the individual websites, or via the WordPress.com Reader? Can you give a link to a post you’ve tried to like where it didn’t work?

    Your account’s ability to like posts hasn’t been blocked or restricted in any way, so this is most likely a problem in your browser. Clear your browser cache and make sure JavaScript is enabled. If you’re using any browser add-ons, especially ad-blockers or anti-tracking add-ons, disable those temporarily to see if that helps.


    If none of that helps, can you check if you’re able to like posts when you log in using a different browser?

    Let me know the result.

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