Left side reader menu

  • Some one asked the question before and since I cannot reply there I like to ask something to the answer given as it did not satisfy me.

    It’s disconcerting to have the reader menu on the left. Please tell me how to get it back to the right side of the page. Thanks.

    The answer
    Happiness Engineer
    Oct 16, 2014, 6:05 PM

    Hi there,

    Our team is working on improvements to make the design at https://wordpress.com/ consistent across the site. As part of those improvements, the side menu in the Reader was moved to the left — so you’ll always find the side menu (whether you’re in the Reader or in your site’s dashboard) on the left side of the screen.

    My question. and why it is not a smart answer.
    The reader is specifically made to read content So why not show that content above everything else first. We do read left to right.
    The dashboard is made to alter and set your settings so it is logical to have it on the left as that is where one starts to look for what setting to change. Just saying it is to keep settings to the left goes above the purpose of what the reader is created for if you ask me.

    The reader with all due respect to those creating the pages. has settings or the menu if you will show most setting you only deal with once. After that it looses purpose. With the new look
    Can it than be possible to add a simple setting trick so we can have it on the right?

    I thank you all for the time to read and this is just a blogger who is pretty annoyed with the change. And tries to help.

    Best Wishes and I thank you for all your hard work. I enjoy blooging here.
    Ranting Crow
    at Rantingcrow.wordpress.com

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