Left column for images related to posts in Bromley?

  • Hi, the sample of the Bromley theme shows what appear to be three columns, with the left column containing images related to the posts contained in the middle column. How do I achieve this? The images related to the posts currently only show up on the post itself. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Have you consulted the detailed theme description page here?

    Bromley is a premium theme part of what you purchased is support direct from the theme’s designer. The person with the username account who purchased the theme can post to the Premium Theme Support forum for the theme to get help with it http://premium-themes.forums.wordpress.com/forum/bromley in the Premium Theme Support forum.

  • I have, but I am not getting a response timely enough to allow me to cancel within the 72 hour window if I am unhappy with my purchase. Your response came back literally just as I was about to click the “Issue Refund” button. What should I do? The blog is to be a food blog, but magazine style, and the preview was PERFECT for what I want to do, but even with reviewing the forums and looking at the different help options, I can’t get the images to work in across the top or the thumbnails for the individual posts as they are to appear on the homepage… Help!

  • Correction – I’ve just managed to get the featured images across the top to work, but I still have the issue with the thumbnails for the posts in the left column. Thank you for any help!

  • It’s the weekend so I assume the theme’s designer will be spending it with his/her family. And we Volunteers cannot access premium themes so we cannot trial them in our test blogs and help you. All I can do is point you to the theme description page that has a large section titled “Widgets” http://theme.wordpress.com/themes/bromley/

    Provided you are logged in under the same username account that purchased the upgrades, you ought to be able to request a refund from your dashboard > Store > My Upgrades

    WordPress.com provides a 30-day refund on all upgrades except Domain Registrations, Domain Renewals, http://en.support.wordpress.com/domain-mapping/cancel-domain/ and Guided Transfers.
    Note: It takes from 1 – 2 weeks for the refund to be received.

  • Ah, great. Thank you. That gives a bit more time to see if the designer responds. I appreciate your promptness to reduce stress levels. :-)

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