Layout of my site keeps changing

  • I do not know or understand much of the terminology used in WordPress. So I hope people can understand what I describe. (1) When I edit a page, it often changes the appearance (which I’d call format) to something different from what it was originally. The two formats keep changing back and forth. Here is the format I do not want: (2) Notice that the “table of contents” is all up at the top of the page. I want it vertically in a column on the right side of the page like it used to be. (3) At this link, I’m able to move the page I want as front page, to the top. However, sometimes it ends up at the front of my website, and other times not. (4) Is there any book or place where I can the basics on how to do formatting and basic stuff like I describe here? Every source I have seen either goes on and on and on about how great it is to have your own website, and/or gets into advanced stuff like plug ins, layers, and stuff I will never use.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • How do I edit my post? This is not the blog I need help with (! The one I need is

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