layout and widget not work…

  • Hi, i’m italian.

    The designer: Colinear‘s Theme Options, available via the Customizer, allow you to personalize your blog’s layout. There are many styles to suit your site with Colinear.

    I think: Good theme, good idea.


    …all layout does not work. And the widget are not seen for a lot of layout. One only layout is ok, the right and left, but the widget work only for one column of right.

    Thanks for read me. I wait your answer.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Have you read the setup instructions for that theme on how to configure the widget sidebars?

    Also, which of your sites is using that theme so I can have a look?

  • Hi!
    yes, I had read the instructions but did not explain this detail of which I speak…
    thanks for your help.

    Today i see new things…
    I created new entries per page and…only now…i can see the second column in left zone.

    template magic…(with only 4 page in header, don’t create two column!!!)

    my blog (public) with colinear template:


  • I created new entries per page and…only now…i can see the second column in left zone.

    You currently have the theme set up to have one sidebar on the right, and one sidebar on the left. This setting is in the Customizer under Theme options. If you want the layout to be different, you can change it there.

    template magic…(with only 4 page in header, don’t create two column!!!)

    I don’t understand what you’re saying here. Can you please provide more details about what you’re trying to do? And if this is on a specific post or page, please provide a direct link to that post or page.

  • Hi!
    I’m not proficient with English, but I try to explain myself.

    When I created my new blog, I had no internal content. I followed the wordpress steps to open, build and customize the blog.

    When I chose the theme, I discovered that they no longer exist in the list of themes I noticed years ago.

    So, I chose Colinear because I was looking for a blog with three or four columns, but simple, to concentrate on writing.

    Colinear allows more settings (read initially in the presentation of the theme) and therefore I wanted to try them all to find the most suitable for my blog.

    When I tried them I found out that the preview in admin doesn’t show the columns, moreover even if I didn’t save the choice the blog takes on the desired layout.

    I discovered that it was possible to choose only the two columns layout on the right and on the left.

    However, when I inserted the widgets in each column, they were not shown in both, but only to the right.

    So I wrote here, opening a discussion and understanding why.

    Today, however, I discovered another peculiarity (… magic … ironic joke): I inserted a post, then information and widgets on the right column (even if I chose left and right layouts, because it was the only one working).

    Then I inserted the pages in header. And the data could be seen and published. However the new way of writing with blocks has created me a lot of annoyances, but this is another question.

    Furthermore, the pages are often published in a double way on the header (and I have to fix it by deleting an entry that wordpress publishes to me double).

    The intuition of the new wordpress system has several errors, but this is another question.

    So then I added other pages in headers … and at this moment I noticed that the blog became more space on the left, as if I could insert a column. Then I inserted a widget and … only at that moment I could see the second column in the right position, on the left and the other on the right.

    However, in admin when I customize, the preview does not show any columns, which are inserted below, under the posts!

  • I discovered that it was possible to choose only the two columns layout on the right and on the left.

    However, when I inserted the widgets in each column, they were not shown in both, but only to the right.

    It looks like you have changed the settings since I replied earlier. When I checked your site before, under theme options you had the option selected: 1 Sidebar Right & 1 Sidebar Left. Now you have it selected 1 Sidebar Right

    By “admin preview” do you mean in the Customizer where you change that setting? What I see in the preview there matches exactly what I see on the site itself, and it matches the settings as you currently have it.

    How do you want it to look? Do you want just one column widgets? Or do you want two columns widgets?

    So then I added other pages in headers … and at this moment I noticed that the blog became more space on the left, as if I could insert a column. Then I inserted a widget and … only at that moment I could see the second column in the right position, on the left and the other on the right.

    That is because earlier you had the Theme Options selected to have two widget columns, not just one like you have now.

    However, in admin when I customize, the preview does not show any columns, which are inserted below, under the posts!

    On what size screen are you working? If you have a smaller screen it’s possible the preview rearranges your site for small screens, which moves the widgets to the bottom.

    Try pressing Cmd and – on your keyboard to zoom out. Then you should see the Customizer the same as your site.

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