Lay out

  • The lay out of my weblog changed, colourwise. I did not do this and nobody has my pass

    tell me what happened???

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • it’s interesting. quite a lot of people – including me – had this problem. it seems to affect more themes.
    just be patient, i could be helped already.

  • @debootsjongen
    What exactly changed on the Pilcrow theme?

    What exactly changed on the Something Fishy theme?

    I’ll tag this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • @knopfwelten’s issue has already been sorted.

    @debootsjongen, I checked just now, and the colors look okay to me… but I’m not sure what they were before! We did fix one color issue that was happening and I think your blog may already be fixed. Could you let me know if you’re still having any trouble?

  • colours changed (background, links, menu links and lettertypecolours)
    It seems i was using pilcrow custom design allready before and now i’m asked to pay for using the custom design.

    i changed again colours of background, link and menu.
    when saving changes on the colours:
    background is what i choose
    links are not
    menu links are not
    lettertypecolours i can’t seem to change unless I buy customize design. alltough i had custom colours before.

    or am i just a wordpress noob and do i need to look harder?

  • i can’t seem to change unless I buy customize design. alltough i had custom colours before.

    I think you may have had access to the paid options for a short time which was unintended. I’m really sorry for the trouble!

    Here’s how the colors look to me right now:

    That matches up with the free color scheme for brown that comes with Pilcrow and which you can change in Appearance > Theme Options.

    You can use the brown color scheme you have now, or you can switch to light, dark, or red. To customize colors further than that, you would need to purchase the Custom Design upgrade.

  • I was used to my previous design, but i intend to keep blogging free so I’ll now learn to live with these colours :)

    thanks for the quick respons!


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