Latex in a P2 Post

  • Hello,

    What is the best way to use latex math equations in a p2 post?

    I’ve read this page, but using “$latex 3$” in the textbox does not typeset.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You should be able to use LaTeX without any issues by typing the code in this format:
    $latex your-latex-code-here$.

    Even if you just type in a number, like in your example, LaTeX format will be rendered:

    If the you’re still having issues with that, please share a screenshot of what you see on your end. You can use an online tool for that (such as, and paste the link into your reply.

  • Thanks so much for your reply!

    Ah I see. I just needed to view the preview of the post.

    It’s definitely type setting the text, but it’s not recognizing (the most basic) commands like \frac{}{}.

    Here are some screenshots:




  • I am able to see your screenshots but do you happen to have a published version of this that I can examine on your site?

    I’d like to inspect the page directly to see how you are adding your code, and try the same steps on my test blog to see if I have the same issue.

    Please publish an example (if you have not already) and drop a direct link here so we can take a closer look, thanks!

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