latest blog post not showing up on homepage “Latest News” section.

  • Hi- i’m using a free template that’s a few years old from wpazure (called Consultera), and it’s not typically a template that features blogging. My home page is static, and the area on the home page where my three blog posts show up is called “Latest News” in the Wp customize area. When I created my website with the original 3 blog posts, they had no problem showing up on the home page in this “Latest News” area after being added to the blog/posts page. Now that I’m writing new blog posts, the home page is unaffected and only shows the three original posts. I’d like to have new posts update on the homepage (pushing out each old post, one by one) the same way it is working normally on all my menu’s and widgets. I feel like I’ve tried everything and could use some ideas here to make this work. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello daveorioles2632, i just visited your website, where Latest News is supposed to be ? in home page ?

  • Hi- I’ve titled it “Blog Posts” on the homepage – but in the template where it was customized, this area is called “Latest news”. Make sense?

  • Hey @daveorioles2632 these forums you’ve posted to are the forums for sites hosted with, the hosting provider.

    For help with ConsultEra on your standalone WP site, I’d suggest reaching out to wpazure’s support forum for assistance. You can find them at

Reply to latest blog post not showing up on homepage “Latest News” section.