Large Mp3s not available for download – I’ve upgraded

  • I’ve upgraded my hosting to the 5gig package because I’m an artist and would like to host entire MP3 sets, usually around 70mb+.

    After uploading a 100mb file I cannot access it. Is there a limit even on upgraded accounts? There’s nothing stating the maximum filesize. I want a refund if there’s a limit…

  • How about we start with a link to your wordpress.COM blog and consider linking it in your user name. Go into your dashboard -> users -> your profile -> then scroll down to ‘contact info’. In the spot where it says ‘website’ fill in the address of your blog and save the changes.
    Now… when you comment here and on other blogs, your name will link to your blog. If you do this before you post your request for help, it will allow forum volunteers to be able to help you quicker since they won’t have to ask you for a link and wait until you come back to post one.

  • BTW – the FAQ says files are limited to 75 meg but I’ve gotten larger files up than that.

  • elusivedj, what do you mean by “cannot access”? What are you clicking on or doing? What happens? Is there an error message?

    I see only one mp3 file uploaded to your blog – it works for me.

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