Keeping widget formats

  • Is there a way to move widgets in the sidebar margins to where recent posts was?

    Is it possible to rearrange the grid in the sidebar and footer 1?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • hi,

    Is there a way to move widgets in the sidebar margins to where recent posts was?
    I don’t see an area with the recent posts in your site.

    At, if you choose Appearance>Widgets, you can move widgets between areas (Sidebar, Footer…).

    Is it possible to rearrange the grid in the sidebar and footer 1?
    Are you referring to rearranging widgets within sidebar, footer1 or between sidebar and footer1 ?

    Let us know if you have more questions or if I misunderstood your question.

  • Hello Kosiew, thank you for the help thus far.

    1. Sidebar widgets – Please disregard my question on the sidebar widgets. I wanted to move the widgets in the sidebar margin to where recent posts are, so that the widgets start to build in a row rather than column. I have hidden the recent posts as I do not want that to show up on the home page. However, even if this is possible, this likely would not work well since the other pages on the wordpress do show the side bar widgets as well.

    2. Scaling widgets in Footer 1 – Footer 1 allows me to build widgets horizontally; however, I have two issues.

    First, the widgets seem to adjust to a different scale (spreads out) as shown currently on my website. Is there a way to restrict/fix the scale like shown in the sidebar?

    Second, there is a line break that shows up between each sidebar and footer. Is there a way to hide the line breaks so that when I am not using any sidebar widget, that there is not two awkward line breaks?

    This approach would let me achieve what I am looking for.

    Help is much appreciated!

  • hi,

    First, the widgets seem to adjust to a different scale (spreads out) as shown currently on my website. Is there a way to restrict/fix the scale like shown in the sidebar?

    Are you referring to the Copyright notice at the footer ?
    Are you saying you want to align the Copyright notice from the center to the right ?

    Second, there is a line break that shows up between each sidebar and footer. Is there a way to hide the line breaks so that when I am not using any sidebar widget, that there is not two awkward line breaks?
    Are you referring to the horizontal line between the sidebar and the footer ?

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