K2-Lite…widget problem

  • In the K2-Lite theme, the default display shows ‘latest posts’ in the right column. That’s good.

    When I go to the widgets and choose to add (note I say ‘add’) a ‘categories’ widget to the right column…it adds the ‘categories’ but removes the ‘latest posts’.


    Removing the ‘categories’ widget causes the ‘latest posts’ to reappear again.

    ‘Latest Posts’ is not a selectable widget addition – it appears to be being used by default.

    Not much cop if it gets chucked away as soon as you add another widget!!

    Is this a theme fault?


  • What normally happens is that the themes have a default group of widgets added. As soon as you make ANY changes to your sidebar, these are removed. You should then be able to add whichever widgets you like. I think it’s Recent Posts, rather than Latest Posts, if that helps.

  • Hi Ros,

    Yes, you’re right, it is Recent Posts.

    However, it can’t be added – it’s listed in the widgets list but there’s no ‘add’ button.

  • Have you cleared your cache?

    Did you change themes? If so, go back to your old theme, remove all the widgets there, then change themes and add them back in.

  • Hi Viv,

    “..Did you change themes? If so, go back to your old theme, remove all the widgets there, then change themes and add them back in…”

    WHAT!!….you have got to be joking!!

    I remember all those sales pitch things, now……”change the look of your web site with just a click of the mouse!”


    I can see this is going to be an all-nighter……

  • No, I’m not joking. There was a bug introduced with 2.7 that has created this situation and it has yet to be resolved. (You can check the forums on this.) That’s the only way to fix it at this time.

  • what a bummer!

    never mind, thanks for the explanation, Viv!

  • Yep, that worked ok, thanks for the workaround, Viv.

    I have to say that this should really feature as a very large HOT TIP somewhere!

    But then maybe everyone else already knows….

  • @davyjones: No they don’t – we keep giving this tip every few days or so…

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