Just want private conversation with a staff member.

  • I don’t have an immediate problem, just a couple of comments to make, at least one of which might HELP YOU improve your program (or whatever it’s called). However, I DO NOT want our conversation splattered over the Internet through Google or any other app or engine as my last thread with two of your fine support group people was. Please contact me through my email address. Thank you. Bob Litton

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can only contact them privately if you signed up for their Premium Packages I’m afraid. However they are working hard to bring this type of support to free users.

  • @gamenology1 – I’m immensely curious to know what you based your answer on.

    @boblitton – I’ll tag this for a Staff reply. Please be patient while they get back to you.

  • @gamenology1- Oh, that!

    We believe everyone deserves fantastic support for their WordPress.com blog. Our backlog of requests has consistently grown as our team of 19 receives nearly 8,000 messages a week. To get caught up and give our customers the support they expect with paid upgrades, we made the difficult decision to limit the contact form to customers with upgrades. Once we are caught up we will work on bringing a high level of support back for everyone.

    If you are new to WordPress.com we have a step-by-step guide to all things WordPress. Our helpful forums remain open and you can find more details in our support documentation. There we have guides on getting started, writing your first post, and finding your readers.

    We will update this space as we work on bringing back outstanding, free support for everyone. Thank you.

    Maybe some day, but I advise you not to hold your breath. That message has been up for 2 years, if not longer.

  • Hi boblitton,

    You’re welcome to contact us via email if you’d prefer.

    We provide support to all of our users, although it’s true that users with paid upgrades are provided a different support queue from the support forums.

  • Hi, Jackie —
    Good to see you again. I understand your situation with request overload. I just don’t want to have my message threads spread all over the Internet.

    I will try to respond to your “email” invitation when I get back from lunch.

    See you later.

  • Hi boblitton,

    I understand completely. Thanks for your feedback – we’re always interested in hearing from people who wish to help us improve WordPress.com! :)

  • Jackie —

    I have a continuing problem with “drop-down” or “pop-up” email forms. Every time I try to use one, a message pops up saying my email can’t be sent because “the server cannot be found”. I don’t know if the problem is with my computer or with my Internet service provider. Anyway, this time I took the precaution of copying my message to you and sending through my regular email post office. Please be on the lookout for it.

  • Hi Bob,

    It looks like Simon’s assisting you in your private support ticket, so I’m going to close this thread for now so we don’t get our wires crossed.

  • The topic ‘Just want private conversation with a staff member.’ is closed to new replies.