Jump link

  • I believe I followed the directions for coding the target text exactly but obviously not because the anchor just links to a blank page. I remember years ago doing this very easily and without needing code. No such thing?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi mdanziger13,

    I do see that you have done this on an older post on the site you have linked, at peteseegerbiokids.wordpress.com/

    You can find the instructions to set up Page Jumps here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/splitting-content/page-jumps/

    Just let me know if you need any more assistance!

  • Thank you, Dolissa. That’s what I tried, and it didn’t work. Not clear (to me) whether you put EXACTLY what it shows, ie quotes and period. Also not clear whether it’s okay for the “unique-identifier” and target text to be the same. And does it get inserted just before the actual text, or does the text become part of the link itself? Here’s what I did, and nada:
    <p id=”testimonials”>Testimonials.</p>

  • Thank you, Dolissa. That’s what I tried, and it didn’t work. Not clear (to me) whether you put EXACTLY what it shows, ie quotes and period. Also not clear whether it’s okay for the “unique-identifier” and target text to be the same. And does it get inserted just before the actual text, or does the text become part of the link itself? Here’s what I did, and nada:
    <p id=”testimonials”>Testimonials.</p>

  • Hi mdanziger13,

    That does look correct. Did you then link to it using: Testimonials

    Are you making sure to put it in the Text Editor view of the post?

  • Woops! Sorry about that, I meant like this:

    <a href="#testimonials">Testimonials</a>

  • To, answer your question, the text in between the tags can be whatever you’d like! The important part is linking the identifier correctly, the part in the quotes.

    The text in the tag should be where you’d like the page to jump to. So you can do exactly what’s in your example, or link to any header or text on your page.

  • Should the numbers sign # also be in the target or just the anchor?

  • Here’s what I did and it still didn’t work.

    In the HTML anchor, I put this: Testimonials
    For the link, I put this: Testimonials

    Still doesn’t work.

  • The # should only be in the link. Here’s what your set might look like:

    For the anchor:
    <p id="testimonials">Any text here</p>

    For the link to the anchor:
    <a href="#testimonials">Any text here</a>

  • I cut and pasted each of your texts into the right place, substituting “Testimonials” for “Any text here” and it doesn’t work.

    I really appreciate the time and trouble you’ve gone to, and I have the feeling that if we were sitting side by side you’d get it to work! I’m clearly missing something, but at this point it’s so frustrating and time consuming that I want to let you have your day and wait till I can track down my website human. Thanks so much!

  • It’s no problem at all and I’m happy to help! If you can provide a screenshot or a link to a published post, I can look further.

    If you want to do some investigating, or have someone to help you in person, I recommend viewing the previous post you published with the working Page Jumps. Make sure to switch to the HTML view (or Text view in the wp-admin editor) to see the code, and see if you can find where anything is different.

  • Okay, I will re-caffeinate and look into it. Thanks!

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