Jetpack and Google Analytics stats are different

  • For several months, Jetpack statistics have been two to three times lower in terms of visits to my site compared to Google Analytics statistics.
    I would like to know if you have the same problem as me or not.
    The changes I made over the last few weeks is the addition of Complianz for cookies in order to comply with the GDPR in the European Union. I also have the nitropack extension to speed up my site but I have always had it and before, I had no problem even with the extension installed.

    Can you help me ? Here is my website:

    Here are the jetpack stats:
    Here are the statistics from Google Analytics:

    Have a good day,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Thanks for getting in touch. Different statistics tracking plugins collect and report data in unique ways. For example, Jetpack’s stats don’t include visits from logged-in users by default, which many site owners find helpful to avoid inflating traffic counts with their own visits. If you want to count visits from logged-in users, you can adjust this setting under Jetpack > Settings > Traffic > Stats.

    Another factor to consider is that Jetpack doesn’t report visits in real-time; there’s a slight delay between when visits occur and when they’re reflected in your stats. Additionally, certain search engine robots and spam referrers flagged by Akismet won’t be counted in Jetpack’s stats.

    Other tracking plugins may have different criteria for what they include in their stats, which can result in variations between different tracking tools. However, Jetpack’s benefit is that you can easily view your blog’s activity right from your Dashboard.

    If you prefer to use another analytics service alongside Jetpack, like Google Analytics, you can certainly do so. Combining data from multiple plugins can give you a more comprehensive understanding of your visitors’ behavior.

    I hope this helps clarify things for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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