
  • Jetpack

    No download stats for a week now. Is Jetpack not working? Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Yeah, I’ve noticed that some time in the past few days we’re not getting the proper stats either, so you’re not alone.

  • Well, that is something. Been feeling lonely ;-)

  • I’ve gotten a reply from support:

    We appreciate the additional information you provided. Our engineers are already aware of the issue and are actively monitoring it. While there’s nothing you need to do on your end at the moment, rest assured that we are working on resolving the issue.
    We will keep you updated once the issue has been fixed.

  • Well, thank you for that. Assuming that it is not a cut and paste answer, it would suggest that the stats may return. Last time they had a problem with stats, it took hours to fix. Not days. If I get a response, I’ll let you know. I have also had a dig at WordPress on Twitter. Thanks again

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