IXION – Feature image in query loop VS on top of a blog post

  • Hi there,

    I wonder if there is an easy solution to this. I guess it will require some CSS.

    In my query loops/ blog posts I want the feature images to be displayed alongside the Titles, etc.

    The only way to do that, I need to check the option for the featured image to Dispay on single posts (in customizer/content options). Having done that, the feature images now appear in the loops alright, BUT they also appear at the top of every single post. And I don’t want that.

    Feature image in query loops: YES

    Feature image at the top of the post: NO

    Please advise the easiest way to go around it; I have the premium plan, so I can do CSS as well.

    Thank you.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    Thank you for reaching out and explaining your issue in detail. It’s clear you want to have featured images display in query loops, but not at the top of every single post.

    In your particular case, Custom CSS would seem to be the best approach. Using CSS, you can hide the featured image on single posts, whilst still having it visible in your post loops.

    Here’s a basic example of how you might accomplish this:

    css<br>.single .post-thumbnail {<br>display: none;<br>}<br>

    .single is a CSS class that WordPress adds to the body of the page when you’re viewing a single post. .post-thumbnail is usually the class given to the featured image.

    Please note the actual CSS might vary depending on your theme.

    To add this CSS:

    1. Open the Customizer (Appearance → Customize)
    2. Navigate to “Additional CSS”
    3. Paste the CSS code into the text box
    4. Click “Publish”

    You can find more information on how to add custom CSS https://wordpress.com/support/custom-design/editing-css/

    However, please remember to take a full backup of your site before making changes, or test the changes in a staging environment first.

    If you have further questions or need more help, please let us know!

  • Accepted answer

    Thank you Zinnia,

    the code worked for some post, but not all. I tinkered around with it a bit and amended the “.single” part to “.single-post”; That did the trick. So for all future refs on this problem:

    .single-post .post-thumbnail {display: none;}

    Thank you for your assistance with this!


  • Thank you for sharing the solution! Let us know if you need anything else.

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