Italics within post titles?

  • Hello,
    I can’t figure out how to make part of a post title italic. I need to do this because some of my posts are essays with the title of books within my post title. Please help! Thank you. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, we don’t have an HTML editor for the title, but you can currently add markup to a title like so:

    Markup <i>in</i> title

    Note that will show up on your own site as italic, but it won’t show up in things like email subject lines, search engine results, or RSS feeds. Otherwise, it would just display the markup there, too.

    Also: I believe there is a bug (not fixed yet because this usage is rare) where that markup goes away when you edit the post. For now, I’d recommend adding the italics just before you publish.

    Want to give that a try?

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