It just all vanished….. new post and some photos on previous post

  • Hi guys, me again…. and this time I have absolutely no idea what I have done wrong.

    I finished a post on which I had been working for a couple of days. (I did not log out or close down my computer in all that time.) Was so pleased with myself. It consisted of almost 700 words, and about half a dozen photos, all nicely resized and cropped as necessary.

    I tried to preview it, but that would not work, each time I clicked on it, nothing happened.

    I then hit ‘save draft’ lest I should lose it all. Then it was all gone. Opened up drafts, but it was not there either. It seems it has just gone off into cyber space…. and no, it is not in trash either.

    Fearing that it may have been published before I had a chance to check it (in preview mode), I checked the blog. Not there either!

    Then I noticed that two pictures have vanished from my previous post – ‘Day 3’.

    There was one thing which was unusual about this post. All the time I was typing it, down the bottom, at the same level where it has the word count, there was a red box with red lettering inside of it (like a warning), which said, ‘you do not have permission to do this’. Since I had no idea what it meant or why it was there, I ignored it. Did I do so at my peril?

    Lifey who has just seen many hours of work disappear

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I suggest contacting staff directly about this matter here is their contact link »

  • Yes, you did so at your peril. It sounds like there was a cookie issue, probably caused by leaving the computer on that page for that long. It thought you were logged out, and so “didn’t have permission.” If anyone can find it, staff can.

    I’ve gotten into the habit of doing Select All, Copy All just before hitting Publish, and that way if something horrible goes awry like this, you can just make a new post and paste in the contents, add a title, tags and categories and you’re done. Of course, using an offline blog editor saves a copy of your work automatically as well. They’re both good systems.

  • Here are some steps you can take to recover missing and/or accidentally deleted posts and some recommendations for backing up as you create a post. >WordPress: Recovering a lost blog post or page

  • Thanks guys. Not exactly what I wanted to wake up to… but none-the-less, expected.

    Timethief, I went through your pages, but am afraid, I did not even see that automatic saving work…. you can normally see when it was last saved.

    And raincoaster, that is exactly what I thought…. and you know, I often ‘select all > copy’ before posting something anywhere, just did not think to do it this time. Maybe that was because I was going to review it first, not publish it.

    Tell me, what are these offline programs, and where may I find them? Are they shareware?

    Don’t think I will contact staff. No doubt they have enough to do. Maybe I better put this down to experience, and be a little more vigilant next time.

    I had no idea the system would log me out. I never log out of anything, other than my bank account, and set my browser to ‘remember me on this computer’. Maybe over Easter I will get a few hours to do it all again. LOL

    Have a nice Easter guys, and don’t eat too much chocolate.

  • Check out TT’s site: she’s reviewed most of the offline blog editors.

    Don’t be silly: CONTACT STAFF. The longer you leave it, the less likely it’s still in their cache.

  • Timethief, I went through your pages, but am afraid, I did not even see that automatic saving work…. you can normally see when it was last saved.

    WordPress software has an autosave feature that saves every 2 minutes. Each time you click Save Draft or Update Post (or Page) a revision is saved.
    * You can look the last autosave for Posts » Post Revisions
    * You can look in the last autosave for Pages »Page Revisions
    * You can check your Trash and you may find it there.
    * Lastly, you can search Google and if the post did make it into the database and was indexed you can locate a cached copy of it.

  • Tell me, what are these offline programs, and where may I find them? Are they shareware?

    This post is a review of all the offline blog editors available. Except in a couple of cases like Ecto they are free of charge. By reading the review you can choose the one of your choice.

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