Issues with WordPress blog today

  • I am having issues with the WordPress blog today. It is not saving properly and also not spacing right. It also will not allow you to add graphics.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi klvtclassifieds,

    Are you using the editor that you can reach here:

    Or are you using the /wp-admin Dashboard? What happens when you try to change the spacing? And when you attempt to add a graphic, are you adding it to your post, or right to your Media Library first?

    Can you explain more about the issue, I’m happy to help!

  • This could be due to an issue with your browser.

    I recommend following the troubleshooting steps outlined here: .

    This will ensure that your browser is up to date and supported, your browser cache & cookies are clean, that JavaScript is enabled, and more.

    You can also try using a different browser.

    If this doesn’t work, please:

    • let us know what device you’re using to connect to the Internet
    • let us know which browser & version you are using
    • tag the post *modlook* in the sidebar (which will flag a Staff member to take a look).
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