issue with featured image and page text (static page)

  • I’ve been trying to figure this out all week. I currently have an issue where on the new page (which is set as a static front page) has the featured image just the way I like it but the white box where the text of the page itself floats over the image. I’d like to either completely remove the box or more preferred, shift it under the featured image and menu bar.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That’s pretty much a function of the Motif theme If you want to stay with this theme, you’d need to purchase the Premium bundle, which includes the Custom Design upgrade, which will allow you to suppress the display of that box via CSS tweak.

    Here’s what you get with the $99/year Premium Bundle:

    Since you’re pretty much just getting set up, perhaps you’d like to “shop” for a different free theme. You can use the filters on that page to narrow down the type of theme with the features you want.

    Or, alternately, you might consider a more generic photo on your front page where important details won’t be covered up.

  • sdpillari – looks like you’ve switched to Edin, just let us know if you need further help.

    justjennifer – thanks for giving sdpillari that good advice!

  • Sorry I couldn’t reply till now. Yes after seeing Justjennifer’s reply I tried switching to Edin. Last night I was playing with some of the code of Motif in firebug and did get it to a point where I was satisfied with the look. Unfortunately I can’t apply those changes to the site as 1. firebug is namely for finding error in coding or testing out changes, not actually saving or changing the site permanently and 2. I do have the premium paid for but it only allows CSS changes, not html.

    I will try and find similar themes that fit what I’m looking for. Edin is close but not quite there.

  • Thanks for the update!

    A couple of other business themes you may want to check out are:

    Sela –
    Goran –

    If we can help with anything specific, just let us know.

  • You’re welcome! :)

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