ISOLA: Multiple Questions and Alternative

  • I have several questions:

    1. It is possible to place just my primary menu in the main navigation bar next to my blog name instead of in a hidden menu?

    2. How do I decrease the font of my hidden menu only?

    3. How do I increase the width of the text, allowing it to take up a bit more room? Or even the entire site to take up a little more space?

    If number one isn’t possible, then I’ve decided to settle on Suits with a little tweaking.

    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi writtininstone,

    Assuming you have the css customization add on –

    1) This would be best handled through a change to the markup.

    2) This should get you sorted out.

    #toggle-sidebar, .main-navigation a {font-size: your-font-size;}

    If you want to resize only the main navigation links just remove the #toggle-sidebar and the separating comma. If you want to leave the links alone, remove .main-navigation a and the separating comma.

    Basically the comma is saying – hey, style this, and this.

    3) This is styled with the .entry-content rule. It is currently set to be 575 px wide – if you want to give a bit more breathing room to just your text, try adding:

    .entry-content {width: 675px;}

    Or, set the width to whatever you’d like to use.

    There’s quite a few other elements in your theme that share this rule, If you want to apply this change to all of the elements that are being styled with this width, try:

      .entry-format {
        width: 675px;

    Again, substitute your own width.

    I hope this helps!

  • Thank you very much for answering! I’m so sorry for the late reply, I never got the email for this.

    Okay, I did decide to go a different way–with the Suits theme to be specific–but I need help with one small thing if that’s okay.

    How do I increase the length of the lines around my menu? I want them to be the same length as my content, so they need to be a few inches longer on each side

    If you could help me with that, that would be great. But thank you for answering those questions! I’m the type of person who changes my theme pretty often so I’ll probably still use it. :)

  • Hi there,

    How do I increase the length of the lines around my menu? I want them to be the same length as my content, so they need to be a few inches longer on each side

    See how this works:

    .main-navigation {
    	max-width: 1200px;
  • You’re a genius. That totally worked.

    Thank you very much.

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