Is having Server problems

  • About 20 minutes ago I was editing a page on my site and when I clicked the save button I got this
    blank page. So I cleared my cookies & cache restarted my browser and when I got to the home page wouldn’t load now i’m getting a un styled home page, dashboard, and the forums is un styled also.

    I also can not access the support link or my blogs

    Here is a couple of screen shots of what i’m seeing

    Home page/forums

    Blog URL’s

    Firefox 3.0.2

    Flash is current version

    Windows XP

    Thanks for any input on this matter


    No sign of server or network problems, everything is humming along as usual.

    Those screenshots look like CSS problems. What happens if you click on Do you see a long list of CSS code with “Theme Name:H4” near the top, or do you see an error message?

  • Thanks for the reply Tellyworth,

    My browser won’t load the links you have provided
    I can view web pages on the internet just fine but when it comes to wordpress it takes 5 mins to load a page.
    Update Here is a screen shot of what I saw when I clicked the CSS link

    And the Google link said just me my site is up & running

    I don’t have the CSS upgrade and don’t know what could of caused this. When it comes to wordpress every thing loads slow but my browser loads fast for anything else on the web ?

    Like I said it started about 40 mins ago
    like 10mins after updating to Firefox 3.0.2

    I even power cycled my modem & network hub
    uninstalled firefox 3.0.2 Then reinstalled Firefox

    I even restarted my computer but I’m still having problems with just wordpress, :(

  • Yeah every thing is back to normal now I refreshed the page after my last reply
    and now everything is displaying normal now thank you tellyworth for your quick reply.

    WordPress Support team rocks! :)

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