Is WordPress the service for me

  • Hi,

    I’m hoping anyone on this forum can help. I’m setting up an YouTube channel dedicated to film & gaming reviews, with an eye to move into tech in the near future. This will also require a website – which I am a complete novice to.

    Due to this, domains, email addresses and pricing plans and hosting are all a little overbearing when sorting through what might be best for my particular needs. My partner has some experience with WordPress so is recommending I use it.

    Can I register a domain name, get a company email address, build a website and have it hosted through WordPress? I f so, I’ll go with one of their plans.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Can I register a domain name, get a company email address, build a website and have it hosted through WordPress

    Yes, you can register a domain for free when you buy a Personal plan or above.

    You will also be able to buy a business email ID powered by GSuite as GSuite is’s partner. You can learn about this on this page:

    There are multiple plans. I suggest you have a look at the pricing page to see all the features:

    Does it clarify things for you? Feel free to get back if you have questions.

  • Can I register a domain name, get a company email address, build a website and have it hosted through WordPress? I f so, I’ll go with one of their plans.

    As strikebuys has pointed out, the answer to all of this is “yes”. Please post again if you have specific questions.

  • Hi, thank you for your replies, it looks like I have the right place so will go with WordPress. Thanks for your time.

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