Is this a wiki or wordpress job?

  • Hello,

    I am brand new to wordpress and have a few questions before I start using wordpress

    The reason why I am planning on using wordpress for my website is because there are many different kinds of templates out there to “uniquely” present my website. Another main reason is of course it’s ease of use. Because I have really no experience in running a website or coding for the matter, using wordpress would help me a great deal.

    However, lately I have been introduced to wiki, which have plenty of templates and is fairly easy to use as well.

    So the question here is: which one will suit what my website best?

    Right now, I am on the side of wiki because my website must allow users to submit content. My website will be very simple. Its main content are simply links, so users just submit links with their own comments/descriptions. Similar to how Digg functions (note: I’m not making another Digg!)Then, these links will be indexed into the database. The interface will contain a search field, where the users can type in keywords and the website will spit the indexed links out (like any search engine).

    Of course, there will be more on the website but this is the main proponent.

    Do you think this is a job for wiki or wordpress? Or some other easy to use device?
    Will learning how to do all these take more than 2 months? If so maybe I should hire someone to do this…

    Thank you for any comments/suggestions.


  • How many users are you expecting? To me that seems to be key. You can register more than one person to post on your blog, but not many, and I believe each of them would have all kinds of admin privileges you wouldn’t want them to have.

    Offhand, I’d say you’re probably looking at a wiki. Check out for comparison. It shouldn’t take you nearly that long to get started with either, though. Maybe 2 weeks to get competently functional, no way 2 months.

  • Hi raincoaster.
    Well, the users do not really make up the whole website. It is the links they submit, however I suspect I will be doing most of the submissions. I would just like it so that users can easily add to the database rather than having to take the trouble of sending a notice to me first.

    Oh, and this won’t be a blog.

  • Then I don’t think WordPress is the best choice for it. I think a wiki is the way you’ll probably want to go with this; the only way to do it at WordPress for a large number of users you don’t want to give security clearance to is to tell them to put it in the comments.

  • Yeah – I thought so. I heard about wordpress being used as a CMS, but it might not be applicable to what I am doing.

    Do you have any ideas on how I can start such a project?

  • WordPress as CMS? No, no idea in the slightest. Sorry.

  • Actually I wouldn’t even call it a wiki. I’d lean more towards using a CMS like phpNuke that has a built in Link Manager where folks can submit links on their own with reviews and descripts and feedback which you would be able to approve. I’m sure there are other programs out there as well that would do stuff like that as well. You might want to try searching a site like and see what you can find.

    Good luck,

  • Thanks drmike for the input.
    Do you know what kind of programs is more suited for this job? Like is it more of a CMS type?

    It would be difficult for me to go around sourceforge and view all the program descriptions. I need help in where I should start looking.

  • I really can’t think of any outside of phpNuke and I wouldn’t really suggest that for something large. Maybe typing in ‘Link manager’ into the search function over at a site like or might help.

    Good luck,

  • link manager…okay i will give that a try

  • Okay – this project is definitely beyond my technical abilities.

    I am going to hire a web designer to do this. However, does anyone know what tools/languages I will be looking at? php and mysql maybe?

  • @hadesproject: please let us know how you got on and where, when you get there.

    I wanted to have a web site in which the main part consisted of a series of categorized lists of references that would be mainly urls. I wanted it to be very user-friendly; secure; free; and immediately up and running. I looked at various CSMs such as drupal, but chose wordpress and because of the above factors. I just did it right then- a 5minute set up with no overly challenging learning curve. At the moment the references aren’t linked. I too wanted a collaborative effort; and that hasn’t happened yet. I too want to have the achives searchable; and at the moment wordpress blog posts aren’t properly searchable, and neither the pages nor the comments are searchable at all. Having a blog is a mixed blessing, as i dont really have the ego.
    Some day i just might migrate to another CSM. On the other hand, wordpress might just grow alongside me.
    The ability to compare versions of a document is a plus, probably an essential, if there’s more than one person with editing privileges on a blog or wiki.

  • I thought about programming something like an Open Source DMOZ but desided I had better things to do with my limited time.

    I would look at phpNuke. It maybe what you need as besides the Link manager, there’s a built in blog like ability.

    Also most hosters have an autoinstaller for phpNuke, much like WordPress.

    I would suggest hopping over to and asking in teh forums over there. The only down side I can think of is there’s no real method of exporting the links into another format so moving might be an issue if you deside to go to another platform later on.

    Hope this helps,

  • forestneeds: By what you have said, it seems like we might have similar projects.

    I found this which is suppose to be a digg clone. I can use the code to suit my purposes, that is, to provide comments for links only.

    However, I have never ever developed a website before. I think I am just going to hire somebody.

  • If you want to create a wiki have a look at
    It’s simple , user friendly.There is the possibility to upload documents of various formats (word, pdf,jpg..) and to create links to other websites!

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